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5 Kickass Ways Role of data centres in advancing India’s digital revolution

Role of data centres in india

Kickass Role of data centres in advancing India’s digital revolution

The joint report by ASSOCHAM and PwC highlights role of Data Centres in advancing India’s digital revolution.

India’s Booming Data Centre Market: A Powerhouse for the Digital Age

Data centers play a critical and multifaceted role in India’s rapidly growing digital economy. They are far more than just buildings storing servers; they are the foundational infrastructure enabling India’s digital transformation.

About Role of Data Centres 

Significance of Role data centre 

What do data centers fundamentally do?

Core Function of Data centres:

How do they affect the Indian economy?

Economic Impact:

How do they impact society in India?

Societal Impact:

Data Center India: Fuelling the Digital Revolution |(image Credit Republic World)

Why are they strategically important for India’s future?

Strategic Importance:

What are the downsides or issues related to data centers in India?


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What is the direction things are heading in?

Future Outlook:

Key Recommendations 

Initiatives taken to promote Data Centre Ecosystem 

  • Digital India (2015): Provides for enhanced online infrastructure and internet connectivity.
  • Draft Data Centre Policy (2020): Seeks to promote domestic manufacturing of data centre-related products.
  • Other:
    • National Informatics Centre (NIC) has set up state-of-the-art National Data Centres.
    • Government has accorded infrastructure status to data centres (with more than 5 MW capacity of IT load).
    • State’s policies like Maharashtra’s IT and ITES Policy 2023 offers benefits to the data centre industry.
    • India’s first hyperscale data centre ‘Yotta D1’ has been set up in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh.

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