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India complete 40 years Presence on Antarctica

India became a permanent resident of Antarctica 40 years ago in December. The first Indian research station in Antarctica, Dakshin Gangotri, was established in 1983. The 81-member team that set up the base sailed out of Mormugao, Goa on the chartered ice-class vessel Finnpolaris.  The team included 16 scientists, 29 Army personnel, and 12 each from the Air Force and the Navy. The Indian Navy also helped set up a communications system for wireless transmission to India.

The first Indian post office in Antarctica was also established at Dakshin Gangotri in 1984. Meteorologist G. Sudhakar Rao was named the first Indian postmaster in Antarctica in 1988. 

How India became permanent resident of Antarctica, 40 years ...
India’s political position in Antarctica is governed by the Antarctic Treaty of 1959, which created Antarctica as a peaceful and cooperative area. India is one of the countries that investigate Antarctica by drilling holes into the ice sheets to get “ice cores”.

Why is India interested in Antarctica?

India has been interested in Antarctica since the 1950s. India’s research in Antarctica includes: Climate change, Eco-history, Meteorology, Molecular biodiversity, Pollution, Krill exploration, Land species, Ice age and melting speed. 
Antarctica is important for science because it has a big impact on the Earth’s climate and ocean systems. It’s also key to understanding how the world works and how humans impact it.
India’s three research stations in Antarctica are: Bharati, Dakshin Gangotri, Maitri. 
The Indian Antarctic Bill 2022 provides a regulatory framework for India’s activities in Antarctica.

Why research in Antarctica is significant?

  • Refining understanding of Indian subcontinent’s geological history (India and Antarctica were once part of supercontinent Pangaea, called Gondwanaland).
  • Biological Research to understand the molecular basis of cold adaptation.
  • Understanding impact of climate change such as contribution towards global sea level, ozone depletion, variability in sea ice cover and phenomenon like Antarctic haze etc.

Other initiatives of India with respect to Antarctica

  • National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, Goa-an autonomous institute under Ministry of Earth Sciences manages the entire Indian Antarctic program.
  • India has successfully launched over 40 Scientific Expedition to Antarctica.
  • India is party to Antarctic Treaty, which seeks it shall be used for peaceful purposes only.
  • Indian Antarctic Act, 2022, provides measures for protecting Antarctic environment and associated ecosystems etc.

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