BRAIN ELECTRICAL OSCILLATION SIGNATURE PROFILING (BEOSP):brainBrain Fingerprinting/Brain mapping/ P-300 test

BRAIN ELECTRICAL OSCILLATION SIGNATURE PROFILING (BEOSP) also known Brain Fingerprinting/Brain mapping/ P-300 test is a neuro psychological method of interrogation.

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o It is designed to bring up the information which could be hidden in a person’s brain by sensing

brain wave responses respective to words, phrases, or pictures presented.

o BEOSP test is carried out via a process known as electroencephalogram, conducted to study the electrical behaviour of human brain.


How is it different from polygraph test?


o Unlike polygraph test, it does not involve a question answer session with accused.

✓ In a polygraph test, accused person’s physiological indicators are taken into account which includes blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration and skin conductivity.

o Brain mapping is considered much more credible than polygraph test.


How is it different from narco test?


As part of a narco test, sodium pentothal, also called ‘truth serum’, is injected into a person.

o Doing this lowers a person’s self-consciousness, thereby allowing them to speak without inhibition.

o This test is performed under the guidance and supervision of a psychologist, an investigating officer, or a forensic expert


Applications of Brain fingerprinting/Brain mapping/ P-300 test


o Determine the participation of accused in a crime.

o Medical diagnosis and treatment of Neurological diseases like Alzheimer.

o Counter Terrorism by probing the possibility of a terrorist act by an individual.

Brain fingerprinting/Brain mapping/ P-300 test related law in India

In Selvi versus State of Karnataka case (2010), SC stated that narco analysis, polygraph and brain mapping tests cannot be forced upon any individual without their consent and test results cannot be admitted solely as evidence.

o The judgement was given taking view of the fundamental rights:
Article 20(3) (Right against self-incrimination) enumerated in the Constitution states that no person accused of an offence shall be compelled to be a witness against himself/herself.
Article 21 (Right to life and personal liberty) has been judicially expanded to include a ‘right against cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment’.
o Those who volunteer must have access to a lawyer and have the physical, emotional, and legal implications of the test explained to them by the police and the lawyer.

Narco analysis report is not admissible as primary evidence in the court.

o However, any information or material that is subsequently discovered with the help of voluntary administered test results can be admitted, in accordance with Section 27 of the Evidence Act, 1872.

Operating Mechanism of Brain fingerprinting/Brain mapping/ P-300 test

Picture/word shown to an individual (stimulus) – (triggers neurons of brain)-  genearate rainwave (P300)- (study the data using a computer program)-  found guild/ not guilty.



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