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Why Demand for a separate ‘Bhil Pradesh’?

Bhil tribe demanding an independent tribal state i.e., Bhil Pradesh, comprising parts of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Maharashtra.

What constitutes Bhil Pradesh?
Bhil Pradesh

Bhil tribe demanding an independent tribal state i.e., Bhil Pradesh, comprising parts of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Maharashtra.

Bhili languages - Wikipedia
map of demanded bhil pradesh

Also Read: Artcle:44- UCC-favour/Against/Way forward

Advantage of smaller state like Bhil pradesh

  • Better Governance: More focused administration, quicker decision-making and policy implementation etc.
  • Economic Development: Targeted policies for local needs, better utilization of natural resources, etc
  • Administrative Efficiency: Easier management of smaller geographical areas.
  • Other: Reduced regional disparities, Distribution of power from larger units to smaller ones, etc.

Concerns for demanding Bhil pradesh

  • Administrative challenges: The initial costs of setting up new state machinery are very high.
  • Conflicts: Possibility of increased conflict over interstate river water, land borders, etc.
  • Regionalism: Fragmentation and weakening national unity.
  • Economical Concerns: Potential financial burden on central government, Smaller markets might be less attractive for large-scale investments, etc.
  • Pandora box: Creation of new states can further lead to the demand for and creation of other new states.

Factors driving Demand for New States in post-independence India

  • Linguistic diversity: Creation of Maharashtra and Gujarat in 1960
  • Cultural identity: Demand for Statehood for the Gorkhaland region of west Bengal
  • Developmental differences:  Demand for the Vidarbha, region of Maharashtra
  • Administrative efficiency: Demand of Harit Pradesh from Uttar Pradesh


Constitutional Provisions

  • Parliament may by law form a new State by separation of territory from any State or by uniting two or more States or parts of States or by uniting any territory to a part of any State (Article 3)

Also Read: Artcle:44- UCC-favour/Against/Way forward

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