Garden of herbs

How to Enhance Immune System The Ayurvedic Way

In Every season of Winter, Only one Question come in Mind that how to enhance immune system of the our body the Ayurvedic way. Here is an expert recommended routine to boost immunity.

How to enhance immune system

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To better understand the ways of Ayurveda for boosting immunity, Here’s a simple guide on integrating Ayurveda into your routine.

Establish a Daily Routine (Dinacharya):

Ayurveda emphasizes daily rituals or “Dinacharya” to bring harmony to your body. Start by syncing your day with the sun’s natural rhythms. Rising early and kickstarting your day with a healthy bowel movement helps eliminate toxins, jumpstarts metabolism, and sets a positive tone.

How To Create And Stick To A Daily Routine | HerZindagi

Include 30 Minutes of Yoga or Exercise (Vyayaam):

Incorporate movement through yoga or “Vyayaam” into your routine. Regular physical activity oxygenates the body, enhances lung capacity, and stimulates the circulatory system. Simple yoga poses and breathing exercises promote flexibility and resilience against seasonal challenges.

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Maintain a Balanced Diet for Healthy Digestion (Jatharagni):

Keep your digestive ‘fire’ (metabolism), or “Jatharagni,” burning optimally with a well-balanced diet. Consume light, warm, and fresh meals, avoiding excessively oily, spicy, sugary, and salty foods. Boost metabolism by eating a small piece of ginger with rock salt before meals to aid digestion.

What is Agni -

Prioritise Quality Sleep:

Quality sleep is crucial for Ayurvedic health. Follow a calming bedtime routine, avoid electronic devices before sleep, and aim for 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night, as recommended by Ayurvedic texts like Ashtanga Hruday.

The Link Between Sleep and Mental Health: Importance of Prioritizing Good  Sleep Habits | AllOne Health®

Stay Hydrated with Warm Water or Herbal Infusions (Kadha):

Stay hydrated during winter by consuming warm water throughout the day to aid digestion and eliminate toxins. Herbal infusions or “kadha” with Tulsi, Licorice, Clove, Pepper, and Dry Ginger can boost immunity and prevent respiratory issues.

Warm Water Benefits: Drink Warm Water for Amazing Health Benefits

Include Rejuvenating Rasayana Herbs in Your Diet:

Ayurvedic texts highlight Rasayana herbs like Giloy, Amla, and Ashwagandha for rejuvenation. Include these herbs in your daily diet or as supplements to repair and restore the body, providing an extra layer of defence against winter-related health challenges.

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Ayurveda offers a time-tested approach to fortify immune health in winter. By following a daily routine, incorporating movement, maintaining digestive balance, prioritizing quality sleep, and embracing herbal remedies, you can naturally enhance your well-being. This winter, let Ayurveda guide you to a resilient and thriving immune system.

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