Thumbnail opening session of Voice of Global South Summit 2023 jpg

India hosted the second Voice of Global South Summit(VOGSS)

It focused on ways to sustain the momentum generated toward a more inclusive, representative, and progressive world order.
Indian PM unveils DAKSHIN (Global South Centre of Excellence) and called for 5 ‘Cs’ for the Global South: Consultation, Cooperation, Communication, Creativity, and Capacity building.

News about India, Second Voice of Global South Summit

India previously hosted the first Voice of Global South Summit, where 125 Global South countries came together with the theme “Unity of Voice, Unity of Purpose.”
The term “Global South” refers to various countries often described as “developing,” “less developed” or “underdeveloped.” The concept of the Global South can be traced to the Brandt report of 1980.

Need for South-South Cooperation:

  • To address the disproportionate impact of global challenges such as climate change.
  • To improve representation in global forums such as the UN Security Council.
  • To achieve food and energy security.
  • To fulfill sustainable development goals.

India’s Initiatives for South-South Cooperation:

  • Inducting African Union in G20 Grouping.
  • Institutional initiatives such as the International Solar Alliance, Global Biofuel Alliance, Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure, etc.
  • MAHARISHI for global food security.
  • G20 Digital Public Infrastructure Framework.
  • Proposal for weather and climate monitoring satellite for Global South.


Read About: Why is India not a member of APEC?


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