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Armed Palestinian group Hamas launched attack under ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Storm’ on Israel


Armed Palestinian group Hamas launched unprecedented attack under ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Storm’ on Israel on 50th year of Yom Kippur war

Who is  the HAMAs?

Hamas are Militant organization that politically controls Gaza Strip and does not recognised Israel’s statehood.

Hamas violently opposes the Oslo peace accords (1993) under which Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) formally recognised state of Israel.

Founded in 1964 PLO sits at the UN as a non-member state, Palestine.

In return Israel allowed Palestinians some form of limited self-governance in Gaza and the West Bank.

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About conflict between Arab Palestinians and Jews

Roots of the conflict lie in the first World War and disintegration of the Ottoman Empire.

Balfour declaration in 1917 by Britain supported establishing a national home for Jewish people in Palestine. In 1947 the UN voted to split Palestine between Arabs and Jews.

Jewish residents accepted the agreement and declared independence of Israel in 1948 while Arabs rejected the agreement leading to the 4 wars.

Yom Kippur or Ramadan War of 1973 was the 4th Arab-Israel war fought between Israel on one side and Arabs led by Egypt and Syria on the other over the dispute on Palestinian territory.

It led to Camp David Accords in 1978 which marked the first instance of an Arab country recognising Israel as a state and Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt.



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