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The High Cost of Cheap Water: World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) report on World Food Day

Water, the world’s most precious yet undervalued resource, lies at the heart of a mounting global crisis that threatens both human and planetary health, warns a new report, published today by WWF.

Released on World Food Day, The High Cost of Cheap Water uncovers a stark reality: the annual economic value of water and freshwater ecosystems is estimated to be $58 trillion – equivalent to 60% of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP)*. But the world’s freshwater ecosystems are in a downward spiral, posing an ever growing risk to these values.

Dyed water pours into a pool from a factory


Key highlights

There is a lack of awareness and understanding of the importance of water resources, the report refers to it as water
In 2021, the estimated global economic value of water was around US$58 trillion, equivalent to 60% of the world’s GDP.
Direct economic benefits, such as water consumption for households, irrigation amount to $7.5 trillion annually.
Indirect economic benefits such as purifying water, enhancing soil health, amount to $50 trillion annually.

Key threats to freshwater ecosystems

Overexploitation of water particularly by agriculture (responsible for 70 % of freshwater usage globally).
Climate change disrupts the hydrological cycle and reduces water availability.
Water pollution by human activities like use of fertilizers, microplastics.
Flow modification & fragmentation by Infrastructure like dams and river diversions.


Government should

Restore and protect vital freshwater ecosystems: Revitalize 30% of Degraded Rivers and Wetlands by 2030.
End Harmful Subsidies in agriculture and energy.

Industry and business should

Evaluate and reveal water risks from scarcity, pollution, and floods.
♦ Implement water-saving technologies and advanced treatment to minimize wastewater generation.

Financial institutions should Invest in Nature-based Solutions for climate adaptation.


About World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)World Wide Fund for Nature - Wikipedia

Genesis:Established in 1961
About:International non-governmental organization working in the field of wildlife preservation.
Function:it works around six areas: food, climate, freshwater, wildlife, forests, and oceans
Report:Living Planet Report (publishes every two years)





Read About: State of Global Water Resources 2022 report released by WMO

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