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Plastic pollution : Big threat in coming time for nature and living being

As per the 2023 Plastic Overshoot Day Report released by Swiss-based research consultancy Earth Action (EA): On July 28, 2023, the Earth saw its first Plastic Overshoot Day.

India saw its Plastic Overshoot Day on 6th January 2023.

India is among the 12 countries responsible for 52% of the world’s mismanaged plastic waste.

Overshoot Day is the day when the generation of plastic waste exceeds the capacity of waste management, leading to environmental pollution.

o It is based on the country’s Mismanaged Waste Index (MWI), i.e., the mismanaged and total waste ratio.

Stats of plastic pollution:

  • 3.4 million tonnes of plastic waste per year
  • 2.3% plastic waste recycled in India
  • 98.55% of generated waste being mismanaged in India

Confronting the Plastic Pollution Pandemic | International Institute for  Sustainable Development


Impact of Plastic pollution

  • Bisphenols and phthalates releasing into air from burning of plastics.
  • Micro plastics entering the marine & human leading to serious ailments.
  • Plastic nets entangles with the marine lives.
  • Degradation of the earth’s land surfaces due to dangerous chemicals from plastic.

Challenges in Curbing plastic pollution

  • Weak waste management systems: Lagging to meet the growing needs.
  • Insufficient data and reporting: as the products are scattered into diverse sectors.
  • Use of Single-Use Plastics which has short lifespan and widespread use.
  • Poor implementation of policies: Like Plastic Waste Management Amendment Rules, 2021.
  • Consumer’s behaviour: which are currently aligned with the usage of plastic disposables.
  • Lack of a suitable alternative: which are either too costly or difficult to produce in mass.


Initiatives to curb Plastic Pollution

  • Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2021

o Prohibited the manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, sale and use of single-use plastics.

o The thickness of plastic carry bags increased from 50 to 75 microns from 30th September 2021 and to 120                     microns with effect from 31st December 2022.

  • Extended Producer Responsibility guidelines made applicable to plastic producers.
  • Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2022: To strengthen the circular economy of plastic packaging waste and development of recycling infrastructure for plastic packaging waste.
  • Private sector collaborations: India Plastics Pact (IPP), Un-Plastic Collective (UPC) etc.
  • UNEA’s Resolution to “End Plastic Pollution.” 175 countries have endorsed the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) resolution in Nairobi to End Plastic Pollution and forge an international legally binding agreement by 2024.

o Countries will be expected to develop, implement and update national action plans.



There is a need for multiple steps like incentivising Recycling, creating awareness, stricter implementation of rules, strengthening the Pollution Control Board, etc., to address the growing issue of Plastic Pollution in the country.

Also, with a focus on resource efficiency and recovery, implementing the circular economy can lead to materials constantly flowing around a ‘closed loop’ system rather than being used once and then discarded.


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