national energy conservasion day 1

national energy conservation day

The National Energy Conservation Day is celebrated on December 14 every year, in order to spread the message on the importance of conserving energy and to showcase the achievements of the nation in energy efficiency and conservation.

The National Energy Conservation Day and the Awards are being organized by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under Ministry of Power, Government of India, which is mandated as per the Energy Conservation Act 2001, to regulate and promote energy efficiency and its conservation in India.

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Union Minister for Power and New & Renewable Energy Shri R. K. Singh will address on the occasion. Union Minister of State for Power and Heavy Industries, Shri Krishan Pal; and Secretary, Ministry of Power, Shri Pankaj Agarwal will also be present.

Why is National Energy Conservation Day celebrated?

National Energy Conservation Day is celebrated on December 14th every year. The day aims to raise awareness about the importance of conserving energy and promoting sustainable energy practices. It also aims to celebrate India’s achievements in energy efficiency and conservation.

Some ways to conserve energy include: 
  • Using public transport systems instead of individual vehicles
  • Using electric and hybrid vehicles instead of vehicles that run on hydrocarbon fuel
  • Switching off electricity when not in use
  • Using power saving devices
  • Using non-conventional energy sources
  • Switching to energy-saving LED light globes
  • Insulating your roof
  • Saving money with solar energy

National Energy Conservation Awards 2023

To raise awareness about energy efficiency and its conservation, the BEE, under the guidance of Ministry of Power, recognizes and encourages endeavours of industrial units, institutions, and establishments in reducing energy consumption by felicitating them with Energy Conservation Awards on the occasion of National Energy Conservation Day.

National Energy Efficiency Innovation Awards (NEEIA) 2023

To recognize outstanding work and innovative minds of India in the area of Energy Efficiency, NEEIA was started in the year 2021. Applications for NEEIA 2023 were invited online, in various categories viz. Category A: Industries, Building and Transport and Category B: Students and Research Scholars.

The awards are evaluated based on Replicability, Affordability, Reliability, Impact on Energy Savings and Impact on Environment & Sustainability.

About Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)

The Government of India set up the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) on March 1, 2002 under the provisions of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001. The mission of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency is to assist in developing policies and strategies with a thrust on self-regulation and market principles, within the overall framework of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 with the primary objective of reducing the energy intensity of the Indian economy.

BEE coordinates with designated consumers, designated agencies and other organizations and recognises, identifies and utilises the existing resources and infrastructure, in performing the functions assigned to it under the Energy Conservation Act. The Energy Conservation Act provides for regulatory and promotional functions.

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