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In today’s world, there is a widespread recognition of the need to switch from the ‘take-make-dispose’ to ‘reduce-reuse-recycle’ model or Circular Economy Model. And, India under its G20 presidency, has prioritised ‘Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy’ as one of the three core themes for deliberations in the G-20 forum.

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what is the circular economy ?

The circular economy is a model of production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible. In this way, the life cycle of products is extended.

What are the 3 principles of circular economy /circular economy strategies ?

It is based on three principles, driven by design: eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials (at their highest value), and regenerate nature. is a resilient system that is good for business, people, and the environment.

What are the 7 pillars of the circular economy?

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1. Materials are cycled at continuous high value.

2. All energy is based on renewable sources.

3. Biodiversity is supported and enhanced through all human activities

4. Human society and culture are preserved.

5. The health and wellbeing of humans and other species is supported.

6. Human activities generate value in measures beyond just financial.

7. The economic system is inherently adaptable and resilient.

Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy

  • A circular economy is a model of production and consumption, which involves reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible.


  • Resource efficiency and circular economy are powerful strategies that can effectively minimise dependence on natural resourcescurtail waste and encourage sustainable design practices.


  • In the collective global endeavour to ensure sustainable development and realise the SDGs, decoupling resource utilisation from economic growth is going to be the key.


  • In the last century the world has seen an unprecedented increase in the use of natural resources and materials. Global raw material use rose at almost twice the rate of population growth.


  • A study by OECD finds that efficient use of resources and furthering the transition to a circular economycan help not only material security, but improve environmental and economic outcomes as well.


India’s Priority Areas for the Circular Economy During its G-20 Presidency

  • Circularity in the Steel Sector
    • In order to ensure growing resource consumption in an environmentally responsible manner, there is a need to raise the current recycling rates of 15%-25%.
    • Given the crucial role of steel in infrastructure development, its efficient utilisation is important.
    • The demand for steel is only going to grow especially in growing economies such as India. Globally, about 7% of energy sector emission is attributed to iron and steel production.
    • Transitioning towards a circular steel sector is a key strategy to tackle steel sector emissions.
    • The key lies in ensuring collaboration among the G-20 member countries for knowledge sharing, technology co-development and technology transfer.
    • The presidency document for knowledge exchange on the ‘Circular Economy in [the] Steel Sector’ is a potential blueprint for a net zero pathway for the steel industry, reducing resource utilisation and minimising wastage.


  • Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
    • OECD defines EPR as an environmental policy approach in which a producer’s responsibility for a product is extended to the post-consumer stage of a product’s life cycle.
    • An EPR policy is characterised by
      • The shifting of responsibility (physically and/or economically; fully or partially) upstream toward the producer and away from municipalities
      • The provision of incentives to producers to take into account environmental considerations when designing their products.
    • Under India’s G-20 presidency, there is an emphasis on the significance of the EPR framework in integrating circularity throughout the value chain.
    • As different countries have implemented different EPR models, it is necessary that G-20 member-countries share best practices to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.
    • Effective implementation of EPR plays a pivotal role in promoting the growth of the recycling infrastructure and establishing a streamlined waste collection system.
    • With over 20,000 registered Producers, Importers, and Brand Owners (PIBOs) and over 1,900 plastic waste processors on the centralised EPR portal, India boasts one of the largest frameworks for EPR.
    • The combined EPR obligation of registered PIBOs crosses 3.07 million tons.
    • India has also notified comprehensive rules for e-waste and battery waste management.


  • Adopting a Circular Bioeconomy and Biofuels Approach
    • Since 1970, the consumption of biological resources in G-20 member countries has risen 2.5 times.
    • Biowaste such as municipal and industrial waste and agricultural residue has become a global issue as much of it is burned, causing pollution, biodiversity loss and global warming.
    • Combined with crops well-suited for degraded lands, biowaste can serve as valuable primary raw materials and viable substitutes for mineral resources.
    • Adopting a circular bioeconomy approach will reduce the need for extracting virgin resources and provide an effective waste disposal solution.


  • Establishing Industry Level Coalition
    • As industries are crucial in advancing resource efficiency and circular economy practices, India has envisioned an industry coalition in these areas.
    • The coalition will also aim to achieve enhanced technological collaboration, build advanced capabilities across sectors, mobilise de-risked finance, and facilitate a proactive private sector engagement.


Initiatives Taken by the Government of India in the Field of Bio-Economy and Bio Fuels

  • The Pradhan Mantri JI-VAN Yojana provides financial support to integrated bio-ethanol projects to set up second generation (2G) ethanol projects.
    • 2G bioethanol technology produces bioethanol from waste feedstock such as crop residues and municipal solid waste that would otherwise have no value.


  • India has also made it mandatory for coal-burning thermal power plants to use a 5% blend of biomass pellets along with coal.


  • The Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources (GOBAR) Dhan scheme was launched to convert cattle dung and other organic waste into compost, biogas, and biofuels to promote sustainable agriculture and reduce pollution.
    • With over 500 functional biogas plants, the scheme has also helped create rural livelihoods and ensured improved sanitation.


  • The Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation (SATAT) Scheme, launched in 2018 to promote the use of Compressed BioGas (CBG) as an alternative green transportation fuel.


Importance of G20 Nations in the Transition to Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy

  • Most G-20 member countries have committed to net zero ambitions and are working to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Global platforms such as the G-20 can play an important role in addressing key issues and presenting solutions by adopting a collaborative approach. 
  • The G20 group consists of the largest economies therefore is well placed to tackle almost every problem financially and technologically.



  • Resource efficiency and circular economy have emerged as key solutions in collective efforts in tackling triple planetary challenges – Climate Change, Air Pollution, and Biodiversity Loss.
  • India’s G-20 presidency has focused extensively on these approaches which offer promising pathways towards a more sustainable and resilient future.

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Q1) What is sustainable development?

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The concept of sustainable development can be interpreted in many different ways, but at its core is an approach to development that looks to balance different, and often competing, needs against an awareness of the environmental, social and economic limitations we face as a society.

Q2) What is India’s Bio-Fuel Policy?

In 2021-22, the Central government amended the Biofuel Policy (2018) to set a target of country-wide blending rates of 20% ethanol and 5% biodiesel by 2025. India achieved the target of 10 per cent ethanol blending in petrol in June 2022, months ahead of the targeted timeline of November 2022. According to the government’s estimates, the ethanol blending programme has translated into foreign exchange savings of over Rs 54,000 crore in the past nine years.

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