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Occurrence of a rare Aurora phenomenon for the very first time inLadakh, India

The Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO) in Ladakh successfully documented the occurrence of a rare Aurora phenomenon for the very first time.


What is the Auroras?

Auroras are geomagnetic storm which are seen due to an intense interaction of the sun’s plasma waves and the earth’s magnetic field.

o During a coronal mass ejection, billions of charged particles move into space at ultra-high speeds, some reaching up to 3 million kilometers per hour. When they arrive in the direction of Earth, they cause a disturbance in the Earth’s magnetic field and enable us to see the aurora lights.

Types of Auroras:

The shape of Earth’s magnetic field creates two auroral ovals above the North and South Magnetic Poles.

o It is called an aurora borealis or northern light near the North pole and aurora australis or the southern lights near the South pole.

where are Auroras occur?

They are more frequent at higher latitudes and places like Alaska, Canada, and Antarctica, closer to the Earth’s poles.

o However, Due to a geo-effective coronal mass ejection (CME), the Northern Lights were observed at unprecedented mid-to-low latitudes across the United States, brightly lit European cities, and even over China and India.

o According to reports, this remarkable plunge in auroral activity has not been witnessed since 2015.

  • They occur at any time of the day, but it can’t be seen with the naked eye unless it’s dark.
  • Colors and patterns are from the types of ions or atoms being energized as they collide with the atmosphere and are affected by lines of magnetic force.

o Altitude affects the colors. Blue violet/reds occur below 100 km, with bright green strongest between 100-240 km. Ruby reds appear above 240 km.


A clear sky

No clouds

Total darkness


About The Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO)

The Indian Astronomical Observatory is a high-altitude astronomy station located in Hanle, India and operated by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics. Situated in the Western Himalayas at an elevation of 4,500 meters, the IAO is one of the world’s highest located sites for optical, infrared and gamma-ray telescopes.


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